Monday, April 14, 2014


So far im getting together all the questions together and i am still doing a written survey and an online survey. the adults and teens are the who i am targeting and talking about the technology in the youth today.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Plan for Project

So my plan is to do two surveys. One for teens and another for adults. The surveys will have similar questions about technology and its involvement with children.  The one for teens will probably be an online survey and the adult survey will be a paper survey.  After gathering all the data i will then make a powerpoint to present my information.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Journey

So this has been an interesting journey. I have been so involved in this project for a while now and i have learned a lot. I have found out that the youth of today is so involved with technology that they are incapable of living life. They can't even have a normal conversation with proper english. They always need to use acronyms and abbreviations for words. it is really sad and scary. These people are the future of the world. Imagine the future President of the United Sates saying "OMG thanx for choosing me, u people are the bestes. Thanx ttyl". That would be so sad. We need to do something about this. We need to introduce our children to the outside world and show them that there is more to life than phones and computers. Because if we don't our future is doomed.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Smart phones for babies

I feel like children are getting cell phones at such a young age now a days. They are getting their first   phones between the ages of 6-10. That should not be. They don't need a phone. I understand that parents give their kids a phone so if there is an emergency, but they do not need a smart phone. They could use a flip phone like i did when i got my first phone at the age of 13 and it was a flip phone. We need to find a way to stop this epidemic of smart phones.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Learn Technology From Your Kids

This article Learn from Kids is about how 40% of Parents learn about Technology form their children. I think that is so interesting and true. My parents learn so much about technology from me. My mom got an iPhone before me and she knew nothing before it. Now she doesnt even call people anymore, she texts everyone and everything. Its amazing.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Computers are changing human interaction

I thought this picture was funny because i have actually seen this happen before when i was babysitting my neighbors kid. The funny thing is when i wasn't looking at the screens i thought that they were playing a video game. But when i actually looked at the screen i was shocked at what i saw. They were just talking to each other. They were really on Facebook, which they should not have being a very young age, and texting each other. I made them get off the computer, an go outside. They were upset, but i didnt care. They will thank me later. The children today are so caught up in their technology that they have even forgotten how to talk to each other in person. It disgusts me so much. I wish our generation and future generations could change. Sadly that is a dream that will probably not come true, because technology is always advancing and making everyday life "easier". But i hope one day we can all come together and change. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Save the parents

This looks like me when i use all of my technology. I feel really bad when i am out at dinner with my parents and we will all be on our phones. We do socialize and talk to each other but in between using our phones and game conceals. As a child, my parents show me that it is ok to use my phone at the table and we all watch TV together at home during dinner. I want to change and not use my technology so, but it is going to be difficult. I want to not just change myself but my parents as well and instead of stilling in front of the TV, we can sit around the dinner table and talk to each other. I would like that