Monday, March 10, 2014

Smart phones for babies

I feel like children are getting cell phones at such a young age now a days. They are getting their first   phones between the ages of 6-10. That should not be. They don't need a phone. I understand that parents give their kids a phone so if there is an emergency, but they do not need a smart phone. They could use a flip phone like i did when i got my first phone at the age of 13 and it was a flip phone. We need to find a way to stop this epidemic of smart phones.


  1. I agree, at a young age children do not need smart phones! I had a flip phone at age 12 and it was good enough for me. Although it was before iPhones were out and popular. It's just a distraction and at a young age kids need to retain all the information they can in school!

  2. #4 I definitely agree with this too! I also didn't get a phone until I was 12 or 13. Since I babysit all of the time, I see firsthand how the technology really negatively affects children at such a young age. The 9 year old girl that I babysit already has an Iphone and has become a completely different person since she has gotten it. Even the 4 and 7 year old children that I take care of are dependent on some kind of technology such as an Ipad, Ipod, or Xbox. I find it to be really sad that children are so dependent on things like this instead of doing other things that may be better or more productive for them.

  3. #4-- I agree that it is not necessary for young children to have smart phones. Though, I have heard of studies that show children learn faster and become more technological advanced, being able to play games and have a sense of touch and that they actually are advanced because they know how to work such a complicated device. So no, I would probably not buy my child a smart phone, but not everything about having one is a negative thing.

  4. I do agree that kids getting cell phones at a younger age is extremely strange. However, if a child is able to learn from the games and activities on that phone it is very useful for their development. I agree that i would not buy my child a smart phone but the fact that it can help better their education is definitely something to think about
